Monday, September 3, 2007


Well...the ongoing dilemma of Athletes all over the world...Injury Maintainence...I've just watched the Open World Championships...all the majority of Australian Athletes did was make excuses for their poor performances....I am not ready to compete in the World Masters Games in Italy...Not ready because I am still carrying a slight injury in my right foot....Of course Goran Barron my fantastic new Physio is brilliant and thinks he can resolve the issue before the Australasian Masters Games in Adelaide at which I am scheduled to run the 100 and 200m.

Yet of course I would loved to have run Italy ...especially Reccione on the Adriatic Coast....Bellisimo!....but thats Athletics....Beautiful one minute...Injured the next....its just part of the ball game....when you put your body on the line 6 days a week....anything can happen no matter how strong you have made your fortress...

None the less Adelaide will be a fantastic location...I was invited to Adelaide last month to check out the track at Santos is absolutely brilliant....the Whole Team putting the Australasian Masters Games together know their stuff and I can assure you its going to be a brilliant show....not to be missed at any price...

So stay tuned...I'm training hard even with my sore foot..because you just have to....its part of the deal...

Looking forward to seeing you in S.A. and maybe the Wine country....

Brilliance to you all....John

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