When planning a REVOLUTION ...Strategy...committment...team work are paramount...All successful REVOLUTIONS in History had the hallmarks of great planning and strategy combined with teamwork. Involve your Partner..your Children...your closest friends..because your REVOLUTION will bring about change...dramatic change.
When we were younger...hey..what the heck..it kind of didn't matter if we broke a New Years resolution or two...there were many more years to come right?....RIGHT!
Now we are the BABY BOOMERS and time is PRESCIOUS...We need to make a difference NOW!....Break an old habit...come on...we all have one...LOVE MORE...LIVE MORE...ENJOY MORE...TREASURE SOMEONE MORE...APPRECIATE MORE..HELP MORE...BELIEVE MORE...GIVE MORE...DO MORE.........DO IT NOW....VIVA LA REVOLUTION....
My New Years REVOLUTION involves plowing headlong into my pet subject....LIVING LONGER. I am currently researching and experimenting with my Orthomolecular Specialist David Henderson and other Rejuvin8 team specialists developing products that will ultimately benefit us all in our quest for living a longer healthier life. I have made this committment to you...MY WORLD TEAM...Join the FOREVER YOUNG REVOLUTION by following my Blog and I will place my body on the anvil of research and development so we can can turn back the clock...you will soon be able to benefit from this exciting developement. Even if you only committ to one year...make it a Fantastic Year.
I would like to leave you with this little wisdom...." To touch a Rainbow...you must first pass through the rain..."" Happy 2007. John...p.s. I did!
1 comment:
I am inspired to make a revolution this year. This is a year of action, a year of planning and above all a year of living
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