Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Every race you win..is hard earned..whether on a running track or in the Arena of Life...so when I won the Athletics New South Wales Premiership over 35yrs 100m on the weekend it was a Sweet..Sweet Victory..It was actually my first Race of the Season...not particularly fast yet technically it was probably the best race I've run since I was 22 years old which is significant at the race was a dead heat for first...The chap who was given the same time as me was 20 years younger than me!..Thats right...Twenty Years !

I would like you to put that into some kind of perspective...just think about it...two decades of youthfulness against a 62 year old...its astronomical!

How can I do it...What does it take to develop the body to a point where it is capable of defeating someone who is so much younger..The answer is in a way quite simple...its called hard..excrutiating work...In particular the last couple of weeks where I have been recieving flexibility stretching work with Wayne Luckey..my Coach...Oh Boy...what a Feeling...my body being wrenched from its joints...muscles stretching...tendons protesting...mind trying to relax so the process can do what its meant to do....

Anyhow the process is working..I am becoming more technically proficient...running better...stronger..so hopefully...the results will prove positive.

Trusting you will take good care of yourselves...


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